How to configure KDE-fonts for kDE-games in GNOME ???
(sometimes to big)
The GNOME settings for fonts do not work on KDE-games…
What is the name of the module in KDE and can you load the module in Gnome-DE?
I did a little searching on the web & found this topic from 2017: Fonts in KDE applications under Gnome - Debian User Forums
So, you might want to try installing qt6ct
&/or qt5ct
, both of which are available in the Extra repo. Hopefully that 7-years-old solution still works in 2024.
There are also instructions provided:
are responsible / effective for gnome too??
The QT5 / QT6 settings for fonts are different from this in gnome-tweaks -
I will test it tomorrow - seems a to be a good hint!!!
So result: everything working, thank you!
I created a new Admin-profile for user on of my other machines…
Because of the “Oh no” screen after upgrading to Gnome 47 via unstable.
After creating the fontcaches for Gnome and KDE
I adjusted the fonts to “11” and rebooted - then everything i.O.
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