How to change plus sign on taskbar with multiple instances

Hello, I’ve been using Manjaro for the last couple of weeks and been absolutely loving it. However, on my taskbar when I have multiple instances it is a plus sign. Is there a way to change it to something similar to windows? With all its faults I do love the pop up of multiple windows when I hover over an icon.

Its worth noting that there are multiple task manager options.

The more tradition “Icons-and-Test Task Manager”

And the “Icons-only Task Manager”. This is the one you are currently using.

You can Right-Click :computer_mouse: on the the task manager for
“Configure Icons-only Task Manager”

(unrelated note … it would be nice to have emojis for different mouse buttons)

Here you have a number of options including “Show small window preview when hovering over tasks” (as related to your ‘nice in windoze’ comment).

Going off of absolutely nothing but prior experience with plasma, I am guessing this is either from your icon theme or your Desktop theme, now called “Plasma Style”.

(Plasma has recently begun separating things more - Plasma Style used to define all appearance, even containing its own icon sets, but newer iterations should use the Icon Theme in almost all areas.)

Try a few different ones and see.

Of course if you really want to go full windoze theming there are options for that.

A number exist in the AUR
(windows10-icon-theme and more)

And more can be found at places like the kde store


Something like these settings?

… works with both Icons-Only and what I have now (icons + text), IIRC.

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That is perfect thank you!

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I thought the question was about the plus sign. As thats whats in the title.

But the solution marked only addresses the comment about the previews.
(which was also addressed formerly without pictures)

So your question was not about the plus sign after all?

I just read it “logically, with a bit of padding”. I don’t actually recall seeing the + but then I never tend to stick with default themes / layout for very long,

I just thought that in this particular case, pictures might be better. :wink:

Yeah that’s my bad I was rushing to get wh3 working to play with my friends and I just couldn’t find the setting. Thank you, though.

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