How safe are Testing / Unstable branches in practice, can branches be switched on demand?

A lot of sources comes with source code tests during build - if those tests pass - and the software builds there is no reason it shouldn’t work.

AS already mentioned - there’s thousands of possible hardware combination - it is impossible test take into account.

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It’s combinations of different packages which independently work fine that often cause issues. Anyway I switched successfully, the process was super easy! If fully switching back to Stable you’ll indeed use sudo pacman -Syyuu the extra u needed to allow downgrade… if you wanna keep your existing packages in the future though that also seems to be an option at a first glance.

One thing I loved is that only a few packages were updated during the switch: I thought over 1000 packages would be reinstalled, but only about 60 were as the system recognized the rest don’t need to be touched.

Also it doesn’t seem like I’m going to be bombarded with several updates per day as suggested which is nice. I like getting updates every few days, not daily but just a bit faster than the Stable release cycle which is about one to two weeks per release.

Nothing forces you to immediately update when a package is pushed.

Make sure to follow the Unstable announcement threads. This is pretty much mandatory for when something will break (it will at some point when something will require manual intervention and you will blindly update without reading information, or waiting for more experienced users to troubleshoot a current issue and give workaround or new package revision is pushed).

I enabled Matray at autostart so I should be seeing announcements now. Also if anyone finds it useful, here’s a little shell script I made to automate the switching procedure and make it even easier:

# Show the active package branch or switch to a new one in Manjaro

if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
	pacman-mirrors -G
	pacman-mirrors --api --set-branch "${1}"
	pacman-mirrors --fasttrack 5
	pacman -Syyuu

You will see announcement threads, yes. However it will not help you for what I said you need to check the thread itself, not check the random new thread made at some point. Check the threads dates, you’ll see some threads are multiple months old. With daily updates.

I’ll read the replies too, that sounds like a good idea. I like how the team adds a pool in the first post where you can vote if you see any issues, that’s also a way to get an instant idea if you should worry.

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