How do I completely UNINSTALL Bluetooth from Manjaro

Like @cscs said, you can additionally blacklist it to not be loaded to the kernel.

You can see the modules with lsmod, it could be bluetooth, btusb, bnep.

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After doing the service mask, also do that, but then
ALSO hit the BIOS for a disable there as well…
And you can be like me :blush:


I like the word “additionally.” I will do it, just don’t have the time now to read up on it. I will later in the day though.

I can be like you as in “free from freakin’ Bluetooth?”

Yeah … then

  • the SystemD service is disabled/masked
    (This can be done as shown above in a few posts. Like this one)

  • the module is blacklisted in the Kernel
    (This can be done by following the link above - create /etc/modprobe.d/my-blacklist.conf with contents like blacklist bluetooth on each line. Find your modules using lsmod)

  • the hardware is disabled in BIOS
    (This is up to your BIOS … get in there and look for an option)

…very free, regardless of a few packages leftover that wont do anything but allow you to avoid ripping apart the system and package dependencies.

You would have to enable all of those again before bluetooth would work in any way.

( edited to point out the steps :wink: )


I don’t know where the heck all you people came from so quickly, but I’m glad you did. I feel like I have just received an education on Bluetooth AND I feel relieved that I have accessed the BEST MINDS on Planet Earth to DEFEAT MY NEMESIS BLUETOOTH!

Thank ALL of you ladies and gentlemen so much. I just KNEW there were some people on Planet Earth who were smart enough to defeat Bluetooth! YAY! I AM FREE!!!
:smiley: :+1: :clap: :muscle:
Take care guys and Have A Great Day!

Does this “solution” checkbox allow only ONE solution from all you guys’ posts? I want to “solution” ALL you guys becuase you ALL added value to my understanding of this issue.

I love Linux.

I will.

you can hit :hearts: :wink:

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You guys are like some serious BATTLE ANGELS! Keep up the good work. Thanks!

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And after you remeoved bluez package I bet you felt WONDERFUL.

Best result: Junk any radio-equipped board(s) in your PC and use ethernet. If it wasn’t for my iPads, I’d turn the radios off in my router, too.

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