Help me pick a desktop environment

I like kde plasma so far and i’m pretty happy with it but there are so many different desktop environments so i would like some help to choose a desktop environment for me.

Firstly i’m a performance freak, i don’t like when something hits my performance such as the kde compositing, i like something that just looks modern and minimalist while giving me some control and customization to tweak things the way i like.

Could you guys also tell me which desktop environment you’re using and why did you choose it? What you like and dislike about it and etc.

No. We dont weigh or argue over desktop environments.
There is a plethora of information out there … but in the end the decision is entirely subjective.
Ultimately the best course of action is to inform yourself and test out what you think you would like.

If you have a problem with plasma, you can ask a question in a new thread about that.
Otherwise we arent going to do DE flame wars (again).