How can I completely remove KDE?

I recently switched from KDE to Gnome. How can I uninstall KDE along with all its applications?

This is not how you switch between DEs. Install gnome iso and start fresh.

As for uninstalling, uninstall them like any other package. Have fun hunting them. :stuck_out_tongue:

pacman -Sg plasma kde-applications

IMHO the best option would be to install a clean Manjaro Gnome…

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This should achieve the desired result:

sudo pacman -Rcs plasma

This essentially removes KDE, its dependencies and configuration files.

See man pacman to better understand potential risks with this command.

The following describes what the additional -c and -s in fact do.

-c, --cascade
Remove all target packages, as well as all packages that depend on one or more target packages. This operation is recursive and must be used with care, since it can remove many potentially needed packages.

-s, --recursive
Recursively remove each target specified and dependencies, provided that (A) they are not required by other packages; and (B) they were not explicitly installed. This operation is analogous to a backwards --sync operation, and helps keep a clean system without orphans. To omit condition (B), pass this option twice.

  • The command should be run after logging out, from a TTY shell: ctrl+alt+f2 (or, f3/f4/f5/f6) while at your login screen.
  • While still in the TTY shell (after removing KDE Plasma), re-install Gnome and dependencies using your preferred method.
  • Perform a system update.
  • Reboot

A fresh install is nonetheless advisable. :eyes:

I hope this is helpful. Cheers.

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If you have to ask then you don’t have the skills to do this, it’s too tricky. As mentioned here only a fresh install will make sure you reach a clean system status. This subject has been discussed since years for many times, no need to re-iterate, just use the search function.


Using c along with s is … a recipe for disaster.

(cascade alone is generally a bad idea …)

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Yes, and not generally – in the wrong hands, it’s always a bad idea. Everyone deserves a choice, however, and a warning of potential risks. I’d offer the same for anyone; even the Borg who shadows my forum posts plastering thumbs down and facepalms everywhere.

But … you didnt give them a choice or warning.
You also misrepresented some things - n will remove save files.
Which is still besides what should have been presented.

Oops, you’re right; and you’re wrong: " See man pacman to better understand potential risks of using this command" and the choice is an alternative to doing a clean install; a direct answer to OP’s question.

Thanks for pointing out the slip up though. Corrected.

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There’s a couple of answers to this which come out of experience testing and having issues.

As someone who learned to use backups the hard way some years ago, I wouldn’t worry about losing any configuration files (they’re safely stored in my HDD backup folder).

When I switched from Cinnamon (Linux Mint) to Cinnamon (Manjaro) and later on to KDE, I just did a fresh installation (because multiple installed desktops often gets buggy and very messy) and then, as I imported software I could also import the config folders associated with them.

Even with a great deal more experience and knowledge, I couldn’t think of a simpler answer than this… Perhaps generate a script to reinstall all the apps you currently have installed, or just don’t worry and install them as you need them.

And excellent way to get a new, fresh, clean beginning on things. As some of us in the Linux world would say, it gets rid of the bloat.


Again; How can I completely remove KDE? - #3 by Mirdarthos – the best remedy is to perform a fresh install.