Octopi does not start after qtermwidget update

Manjaro unstable:

octopi 0.14.0-1 does not start after qtermwidget update to 1.2.0-1:

$ /usr/bin/octopi
/usr/bin/octopi: symbol lookup error: /usr/bin/octopi: undefined symbol: _ZN11QTermWidget20setScrollBarPositionENS_17ScrollBarPositionE


$ sudo downgrade qtermwidget

to 1.1.0-1.

To fix the issue octopi should be built against the new qtermwidget version.

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Indeed, same thing here, didn’t notice it yet until you told us.
Your workaround works… Thanks !

Fixed with 0.14.0-2.

How to build it with the new qtermwidget? the same way it was built against the old qtermwidget?

How to upgrade octopi to 0.14.0-2 ?

I already did. :wink:

sudo pacman -Syu