How can I bring Manjaro Konsole to another OS?

I love the manjaro settings for Konsole and ZSH, but I’m very unfamiliar with any of the setups besides geting ZSH, getting Powerline10K, etc. I have no idea how Manjaro does control-backspace, their font, custom colors, etc. How can I bring the Manjaro terminal settings to another OS?

Hi @naginipython,

The package you’re looking for is, I think, called manjaro-zsh-config.

Which operating system?

The specific one I’m trying out right now is Nobara OS, but I may hop

To be found here:

The Nobara Project, to put it simply, is a modified version of Fedora Linux

Have a nice trip

If you mean Arch based - you can try with the custom package on AUR.

Otherwise you will have to dissect the package dependencies and work out how to port it.