Help to install the Medit text editor

  • Geany is an IDE, but is lightweight and can be extended.

You can also specify how many recent documents it shows.

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They most certainly do.

I am guessing the failure to import they key in the first place is causing your problem.

If you want to remove the repo and start over - or doesn’t want to use - edit your pacman.conf and remove the last lines - referring to sublime-text repo

If you are installing kate on a non plasma system - some dependencies are expected.

Then we are up the same alley.

Amongst my important tools are Sublime Text and Sublime Merge - paid because I honestly think I should support the software I rely on daily.

Also why I support Manjaro by contributing here and there, where the need is.

You could try this approach to get your beloved editor

git clone

Enter the folder and edit the PKGBUILD.

Change the makedepends to use ‘python2’ instead of ‘python’

[ ... ]
arch=('x86_64' 'aarch64')
[ ... ]
makedepends=('intltool' 'python2')
[ ... ]

Save the file and build the package using pamac.

This makes it possible to build python2 and other deprecated python dependencies as part of the process.

Ensure the system is fully updated and the base-devel is avaialable

sudo pacman -Syu base-devel --needed

must be inside the medit folder where the PKGBUILD is located

pamac build
 $ pamac build
Generating medit information...
Checking medit dependencies...
Checking pygtk dependencies...
Checking python2 dependencies...
Checking libglade dependencies...
Checking python2-cairo dependencies...
[ ... ]
==> Creating package "medit"...
[ ... ]
==> Finished making: medit 1.2.0-7 (søn 19 nov 2023 09:02:10 CET)
==> Cleaning up...
[ ... ]
Installing medit (1.2.0-7)...                             [1/1]
[ ... ]
Transaction successfully finished.
Running medit 1.2 on x86_64


For the learning experience

Never let an opportunity to learn slip away

When the build finishes on my Pi aarch64 - I will add it to my repo.

Building for aarch64 proved more challenging than I first thought.

Several dependencies must be mogrified using the arch array in the PKGBUILD.

I managed to build on aarch64 - and installed it - it works.

The result can be fetched using either of these options

Option 1

Downloading the needed files from Index of /nixrepo/aarch64

  • pygtk
  • python2
  • python2-cairo
  • python-gobject2
  • medit

Then run

sudo pacman -U py*.pkg.tar.zst medit*.pkg.tar.zst

Option 2

Or at your choice - by adding a thirdparty repo to pacman.conf

SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
Server =$arch

After you added the above untrusted repo run

sudo pacman -Syu medit

I suggest you remove the repo from pacman.conf after you succesfully installed medit as the continued availability cannot be guaranteed.


Another option might be to install l3afpad if you happen to have an exceptionally good memory for file locations;

it doesn’t have any recent files functionality at all. :wink:

Seriously, though, Sublime-Text is awesome.

However, for something lighter, simpler, and kinder to the wallet, you might also try Notepadqq; available from Official repos. And, yes, it has recent files capability, but I don’t know how many it lists:

sudo pacman -S notepadqq


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Nice suggestion - I remember notepad++ on Windows and notepadqq - surprise - is in the arm repo as well.

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No surprise, really; it fits the profile - lightweight, no required deps. :wink:

Last, but not least, featherpad seems to tick all the boxes – (max. of 50) recent files, and, err, light as a … feather.

Plus, Featherpad is also available via the official (ARM) repos:

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Another fine editor - my favorite with LXQt - along with FeatherNotes …

So, what I wanted to tell you:
I is a very old man :older_man: who very loves Linux.
For this reason I’m a big conservative and I very don’t like changing programs that I’ve been used to for many years.

I was very used to the Medit editor and didn’t want to change it to another one, but I did have to do it.
I went through sequentially yours editors Sublime Text, Gedit, Kate, l3afpad, Notepadqq but I didn’t like them.
But FeatherPad turned out to be quite edible and I gradually began to get used to it.
His history contains up to 50 documents! :+1:

Many thanks to all of you for your advice! :beer: :beer:
They helped me a lot to make the right choice.


so i mark it as solved unless the to might think to reopen/change it

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By the way, FeatherNotes also turned out to be a good editor. It has a very useful function - inserting images :+1:
Thanks to this, the use of cumbersome LibreOffice Writer has become optional for me.

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