Help running a USB headset and a PCIe soundcard simultaneously

Hello, first post here. I’ve peeked through Arch/Manjaro Wikis and fora, couldn’t find an answer as this seems to be a bit unusual to do here in Linux.

So, a bit of info on my system: Running the latest Manjaro version 20.1.2 cinnamon edition, nearly a fresh install. My PCIe soundcard is the Creative Sound Blaster ZXR (with daughter-board), which has had mainline kernel support for a while now and my USB headset is a Corsair Void Pro Wireless SE.

So, I need to be able to route multiple inputs and multiple outputs simultaneously through these different interfaces. I tried futzing with jack2, but couldn’t really get it to do what I wanted. For a single in/out, would’ve been great otherwise.

To name a few things of what I’ll be doing:

  1. Audio out: USB headset, Mic in: USB headset for playing games.
  2. Audio out: USB headset, Mic in: USB headset, Aux in: RCA Stereo Aux in (monitored, for chatting while streaming a source external to PC)
  3. Audio out: Desktop speakers via stereo RCA out OR 1/4" headphone, Aux in: RCA Stereo Aux in. I will need to hear both AUX and PC audio while playing from speakers.

I could probably find an audio patch/routing solution, (I have used Voicemeeter software in Windows10 before) but there is a bit of an issue; Alsa/Pulse will not recognize the audio coming from the daughter-board. Hardware connections are fine; it works in Windows10, and the SPDIF ports are illuminated. I can run it via 1/4" on the main ZXR board, but it is extremely gainy no matter what I do. Even thumbing through all the enhancements in Alsamixer didn’t help.

In the default Manjaro sound utility I can see the device and ports on the daughter-board, they’re just silent. However in pavucontrol they are not seen. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, and I’ll respond swiftly with more system info if needed.

Maybe you are interested in this?

Saw that, worked with Jack2 a bit on there, might come back to it. But it still doesn’t solve the issue of pulse not seeing my daughterboard.

Please run pa-info | curl -T - and post the link you get.

I got a big error message starting with “dmesg: read kernel buffer failed: Operation not permitted”
dmesg: read kernel buffer failed: Operation not permitted
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Oh… by default dmesg and other things might require sudo

I guess you could run pa-info with sudo … but maybe its better to just do this:

sudo sysctl -w kernel.dmesg_restrict=0
pa-info | curl -T -
sudo sysctl -w kernel.dmesg_restrict=1

(turn off the extra privileges needed for ringbuffer logs and turn it back on after you generate the info)

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Same page, except the ‘dmesg: read kernel buffer failed: Operation not permitted’ error is not there.

I made a mistake in the command, it’s fixed now, please try again.