Are Snaps supported by default or not? Confusion in closed thread

I’m so confused. Occasionally snaps update with the rest of the system well and sometimes they do not even show. And when i made a mark that snaps are supported in Manjaro OOTB there was 2 differing opinions about it, but the thing appeared bit of a mess in the thread (from which at least i dont gather what is the answer) Snap updates are not (again) showing with the rest (Flatpak updates are)

Many distros do support snapd and flatpak OOTB because so many use them and need both or the other due to newer software in a secure sandbox (i don’t touch AUR).

So what is the answer? Are snaps supported by default? And if so, could the integration be polished a bit to the software center? I just wish that usage was swell what ever the user chooses and these new packaging methods are so important for many. Thanks.

Yes, if one installs Manjaro from either of the three official full ISOs — i.e. Plasma, GNOME or XFCE — then Snaps and FlatPaks are supported out of the box in pamac.

This is however not true for either of the three minimal ISOs, for obvious reasons — they are intended to only give you the bare minimum, so that you can more easily decide for yourself what to add to your system.

As mentioned above the minimal iso is limited OOB.

In short - snap may or may not be fully enabled.

There is no definite answer - because some editions has it and some not - it depends on the maintainer … whether support is OOB or not.

Yep - the snap reputaion hasn’t got better over the years …

If you investigate a full ISO in a VM you will discover the snap plugin and the snapd system daemon is not included.

AUR support and/or flatpak support may be enabled at the user’s wish.

If snap is desired one will have to add the libpamac-snap-plugin which in turn will pull the necessary dependencies.

For the majority Manjaro users there is little incentive to add the snap format as the availability OOB has been recognized as a privacy concern.

The same privacy considerations is not necesarry for flatpak or AUR although caution should be exercised when it comes to reliability and runtime functionality which in itself may have privacy conserns.

  • For Xfce ISO snap is enabled
  • For Gnome ISO snap is not enabled
  • For Plasma ISO snap is not enabled

Look for the profile.conf file in the relevant folder to see if snap is enabled for the edition.


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Then things have changed, because it was most definitely included and activated (via systemd) when I myself installed Manjaro. Granted, that was four years ago, but still… :man_shrugging:

Blockquote For the majority Manjaro users there is little incentive to add the snap format as the availability OOB has been recognized as a privacy concern.

I thought AUR is a privacy concern? How are snaps privacy concern? What about flatpak? They are sandbox are they not?

Read up on the things.
The AUR cant possibly hurt you if you dont use it … there is nothing to ‘enable’, unless you count pamacs own options.
SNAP requires a running service and framework … so it does have an impact.
(and big ones too - storage space, startup time, delivery of malicious code, privilege escalation, and more)

None of these things are new either … but I guess manjaro has finally stopped pushing SNAPs.
Maybe someone or other was just caught up in the ‘its easy for developers’ propaganda for a bit.

Your assumption about AUR is wrong, on Arch based distros you mostly don’t need snaps or flatpaks because AUR covers most needed apps and provides their latest updates.

Many Flatpaks are not provided by the same original devs, so the security aspect is flowed with them too, and snap is the most insecure and privacy nightmare on Linux world, unless you trust that Canonical backend propriety tool.

To make it easy for you to be sure about the security of any package from AUR, when you search for an app, you simply need to open the “Build files” tab in Pamac and make sure the source link is authentic.

For example, you want to install Zoom from AUR

The source link is
Which is under the official domain and the same download link you get if you download Zoom from the official website.

Theres more that goes into checking a PKGBUILD, though thats a decent step.
(it could source the official zoom … but then drop something malicious along with it)

The point is that its a simple build script thats entirely transparent.
You can read it and see what it does.
Its the Arch User Respoistory - so people can upload freely, which means at times malicious PKGBUILDS have been uploaded ( later caught and removed ) … it is up to the user to be responsible for understanding and accepting the code about to run.
If it sounds scary or impossible, I assure you it is not, but until one has a grasp of such things the only entirely safe thing to do is only trust software from the official sources, ex: the repos.


So important…

Please give me one example of an important application I should enable Snapd for.

The last one (Plex-HTPC) was available via AUR to install as a binary, but has now shifted to Flatpak which IMO is the general preference.

Not as such - but the apps you can install using the buildscripts may.

Ohh - you should really do some fact checking

search engine with no opinion or avoid snap store or avoid flatpak

bop bop bop


Great option - but theme integration is - bop bop bop - ikk’

To a degree - again do some fact checking… bop bop bop - ikk’

Original Danish quote

Den, der kun læser aviser, er ligesom en ekstremt nærsynet person, der nægter at bruge briller. han er fuldstændig afhængig af tidens fordomme og modeluner, fordi han aldrig ser eller hører andet. Hvad en person tænker på egen hånd er i bedste fald sølle og monotont.

— Albert Einstein

translated from Danish to English

Whoever reads only newspapers is like an extremely nearsighted person who refuses to wear glasses. he is completely dependent on the prejudices and fashion moods of the time because he never sees or hears anything else. What a person thinks of their own is, at best, sad and monotonous.

— Albert Einstein

The original Bop …

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You mean, like, Plex-HTPC?

And there’s me thinking that, after it was dropped from AUR (which downloaded and pulled it out of the snap before installing) that it was now only available via Flatpak.

This is, to me, the most offensive aspect of Snaps - countless popular Linux blogs shouting about how they found an amazing new app called ‘fast’ on Snapcraft. It’s actually a very poor quality app, gives completely wrong information, is extremely limited, and is available in everybody’s repos.

The harder they push it into my throat, the harder I gag to get it out.

This guy has something of a roundup worth watching… which covers most of our OP’s concerns…