Help me install the Nvidia 340 driver

I send you the error when it is with the pc. but it is a problem related to kernel 5.10

Yes, with this version there is no problem (340.108-1), the question is that an update appears (340.108-13) and that is the one that I cannot install.

It seems it wants to update the package from the AUR, which won’t work because of differences between Arch and Manjaro. What you can do is edit the


line to


before building the package.

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Hi pobrm. That’s. I suppose that having AUR activated it warns me of an update, that when trying to do it, I get the error. I mean, it is manjaro who notifies me of this update, through AUR.
I’ll try what you tell me and tell them.

PD. the line is “pkgrel=13”

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