Grub don't show Windows 10 entry

I think Stephane is right. The problem in this case is the flag of the ESP (/dev/nvme0n1p2). It should be boot (Windows usually add also a hidden flag to this partition).

os-prober is probably ignoring that partition because of the flag, and does not look inside for boot entries. If you notice, os-prober finds your ubuntu installations directly by the partition they reside, not by the ESP entry.

So the solution is to change the ESP flags to boot/ESP (they are actually the same flag)

Probably you can also remove entry number 0 from efibootmgr as it seems to be some old entry. It points to the second partition of some other disk but I don’t see any other ESP in your disks.

Edit: Also I confirm that I was wrong and your Windows seems to be in UEFI mode.