Google search results

Hi, @codesardine
An idea:
when we click on a old forum’s link in Google, we get a 404 page:

Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.

Perhaps, you could integrate the warning with something like:

If you have reached this page by clicking on a link related to the old forum, try the following link:

And then replicate the page address (copy it from the browser address bar) and postponing the word ‘archived’ to the address.
The user will click on the new link that will take him to the corresponding page of the old forum.

I’m not able to know the html language, but I think it would be a simple javascript, getting the address from the browser bar and adding ‘archived’ is not complicated and could be done in a short time, since it should only be written once, for the single "404 page ".

What do you think about it?