Google search results

I think there are ways to tell search engines to update, at least I know this exists for Google

I would imagine serving a 301 redirect on old links would give the search engine bots the info they require.

3 links sure, not 10.000 or more.

That is not how search engines work. Once an SE sees a redirect, it will look for the sitemap.xml or robots.txt. From there it will schedule a recrawl.

This can be done manually, but each SE has their own method. Google for example:

Waiting for SEs to update their cache is NOT a solution. The problem is on manjaro’s server.

Yes re crawl can be done and is in a todo list and it still takes time as in months, but that is not what you said, you said 301 redirects.

So am going to ask everyone again to be patience, we have a list of todos that need to be done, and families to attend and day jobs, the forum is being flooded and everyone is requesting everything, it will get done when there is time.


Hi, @codesardine
An idea:
when we click on a old forum’s link in Google, we get a 404 page:

Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.

Perhaps, you could integrate the warning with something like:

If you have reached this page by clicking on a link related to the old forum, try the following link:

And then replicate the page address (copy it from the browser address bar) and postponing the word ‘archived’ to the address.
The user will click on the new link that will take him to the corresponding page of the old forum.

I’m not able to know the html language, but I think it would be a simple javascript, getting the address from the browser bar and adding ‘archived’ is not complicated and could be done in a short time, since it should only be written once, for the single "404 page ".

What do you think about it?



I’ve just installed Manjaro three days ago and I’m having the classic first steps problems, so I’m googling a lot of questions, and most of them are solved in this forum.

Problem is whenever I open a link it says The page doesn’t exit or it’s private, and that happens with absolutely all of the posts I try to go into.


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Hello and welcome,

If you are using search engines to find things on the forum, and you get that error, attach archived. to the domain name.

will be

I am seeing this page after clicking every page from google. It looks pretty strange.

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Hi there!

Add archived in front of the URL and you’ll be able to see the pages :slight_smile:
Here’s an example: Example


Thank you. My old id was not accessible too had to create a new one :frowning:

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No problem! That happened to all of us.

this post explains the details:

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I do search about my doubts and issues in google and there is always some solution in but when i actully click on it there is nothing ???

Add archived. at the beginning of the link


There’s also these two temporary solutions:

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i am having issue with no sound and there is answer for the problem but i can’t see any solution what the hell is happening to this forum

Do you have trouble searching this forum?
This question has been asked a dozen times already.
Due to the switch, the previous forum is archived.
See any other thread with this info, like Google search results.

And in general … you might take some time to also read our forum guidelines.

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If everything is private why the duck did you opened this forum

Would be nice if you explain what you meant by this

What do you mean there is an answer but you can’t see any solution?

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