
This package is available in the AUR, but not in the official repositories.

Installing this via the AUR can be a bit of a pain as it has dependencies, such as vte which can get outdated as the Official Repositories, understandably, trail the AUR a little.

Is there a chance of onboarding this into the official repositories in future?

I’d love to use this (I’m a sucker for a semi-transparent background) but I’m loathe to have something so fundamental as my terminal running with deps across 2 repository sources. I tend to only use the AUR for isolated apps rather than fundamentals and libs.

Poking around, it seems that gnome-terminal-fedora covers off transparency. Perhaps having both packages in the official repositories would be redundant in most cases; although it seems that the AUR gnome-terminal-transparency package is closer to the original gnome-terminal package than the fedora tweaked one. Admittedly though, not in any way that seems to impact me so maybe the return on investment isn’t sufficient to add it.

No, we will not be adding gnome-terminal-transparency to the repos.

I previously maintained The Fedora GNOME Terminal package (gnome-terminal-fedora) in the Manjaro repos. However, Fedora no longer maintains their patched version. Therefore, it was dropped from the Manjaro repos. The AUR version is out of date and depends on an old version of VTE.

Me? I use Tilix. :grin:

Keep an eye on Ptyxis, it will have transparency someday. It technically can be set, however it’s not supported and may not work properly.

Hi! Im also into transparency in the terminal. I would recommend terminator and warp. Both have good performance and they are good looking.

I’ll give Tilix a try!

I suggest a very simple solution that I use all the time.


A transparent XFCE terminal (after running “p10k configure”) with the right dark wallpaper, Kora icons and Dash to Panel is as good as it gets.

One more thing. I’m sure you know this already but for others, if someone tries this and makes the terminal window fully transparent without menu and without borders, the window can easily be moved with holding the Win (Super) key + mouse drag. :slight_smile:

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