Gnome Crash when clicking on other hard-drive only with extenstions enabled

Hello, yesterday I downloaded Manajro with the Gnome desktop. This is the first time I use gnom and I also downloaded a few extensions. But when I wanted to select another hard disk in the file explorer, GNOM crashed and I had to log in again. I deactivated the extensions as a test and then everything worked. But even if I switch on the extensions but still switch off every single extension, the same thing happens. I also downloaded an extension to have desktop icons, again gnome crashes as soon as I hold my mouse down and drag it over the desktop. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Deactivate one by one to determine which extension. Report that problem upstream to the extension developer.

Check coredumps:

coredumpctl list


coredumpctl info <PID>

yes I have done that. I have deactivated all the individual extensions, but it still crashes. I have only enabled the “enable extensions” function in Gnome.

Also Built-in ones? Restart the display-manager:

sudo systemctl restart display-manager.service

Ok, I have fixed it. “GMenu” was missing in the “Application Menu” extension. I simply installed gnome menus via the Packet Manager and now everything works. Thx

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