GNOME 40 change all my settings - visual chaos

Gnome is known to break UI with every 6 months update. We were happy to provide a normal look for so long and managed with extensions to minimize noticeable changes. However, with Gnome 40 it changed so much, that we can’t keep all the look we had in mind for Manjaro.

So if you created your own look during the last period, I’m sorry to tell you that we can’t support that anymore.

You can download the last 21.0 ISO of Gnome to boot it up in Live-Session, so you may see what we did with 3.38 Gnome Shell back then. With the upcoming 21.1 ISOs we migrated to Gnome 40, which changed a lot.

For consistency you may change to Cinnamon, XFCE or try KDE Plasma.

Gnome 40

Gnome 3.38

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