Game controller and Rainway

I have pushed all new kernels with the it’s latest versions. I only added what modules that were available in the list you posted in one of the kernels for you to test. It will be in the unstable branch when the mirrors sync so switch to the unstable branch and do a “sudo pacman -Syy” every once in a while until these packages shows up in the repo with this version:


When they do (grab the latest bootloader packages also):

sudo pacman -S linux-rpi4 linux-rpi4-headers raspberrypi-bootloader raspberrypi-bootloader-x

Then switch back to the stable branch if you were there and reboot and test.

If it still does not work try re-booting up your desktop if you are running linux where the game controller works with out the game controller attached and do a lsmod. Then plug in your game controller and do a lsmod and make a list of all new modules that got loaded up to help what else we need to do.

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