Frame drops below Vsync every coupel of secound, but killall org_kde_powerdevil fixes it


For some reason they suggest editing /etc/xdg/autostart/powerdevil.desktop
I will show you how to do this assuming the intended changes are desirable;

  • Copy the powerdevil.desktop file from the system autostart directory to the one in your HOME, after making sure it exists:
mkdir -p ~/.config/autostart
cp /etc/xdg/autostart/powerdevil.desktop ~/.config/autostart/powerdevil.desktop
  • Then edit the copied file, such as with micro:
micro ~/.config/autostart/powerdevil.desktop
  • To change lines 59 and 60 to false and 1 respectively:

(that is … instead of doing all the steps above you could copy and paste this command)

mkdir -p ~/.config/autostart && cp /etc/xdg/autostart/powerdevil.desktop ~/.config/autostart/powerdevil.desktop && awk -i inplace -F"=" -v OFS="=" '{if($1=="X-systemd-skip") {$2="false"}; if($1=="X-KDE-autostart-phase") {$2="1"} print $0}' ~/.config/autostart/powerdevil.desktop

(then give a reboot and observe)

Possibly. It would seem you may be missing some parts of plasma power control?
Maybe we can look at some packages:

pacman -Qs power