When I tried to perform the 8-20 stable update, file conflicts were detected, and I couldn’t proceed with the update.
Is there a solution to this?
:: Synchronizing package databases...
core is up to date
extra is up to date
multilib is up to date
chaotic-aur is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
:: Replace ruby-abbrev with extra/ruby? [Y/n]
:: Replace ruby-base64 with extra/ruby? [Y/n]
(...many other ruby packages)
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: rubygems will be installed before its ruby dependency
Packages (250) abseil-cpp-20240722.0-1
(...many packages)
Total Installed Size: 12529.17 MiB
Net Upgrade Size: 76.58 MiB
:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
(214/214) checking keys in keyring [########################################################] 100%
(214/214) checking package integrity [########################################################] 100%
(214/214) loading package files [########################################################] 100%
(214/214) checking for file conflicts [########################################################] 100%
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
ruby-debug: /usr/bin/rdbg exists in filesystem
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
This might be of concern. Best to upgrade the core system first, then any AUR packages. This could be the source of the conflict; there were also many changes to Ruby packages on my system but without the “exists in filesystem” error.
See if it runs through without that source active.
Thank you for reply.
I commented out the following lines in pacman.conf, but I still encounter file conflicts.
# [chaotic-aur]
# Include = /etc/pacman.d/chaotic-mirrorlist
(214/214) checking for file conflicts [########################################################] 100%
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
ruby-debug: /usr/bin/rdbg exists in filesystem
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
It’s at this version on my system (a few other revealing details too):
pacman -Qi ruby-debug
Name : ruby-debug
Version : 1.7.1-1
Description : Debugging functionality for Ruby
Architecture : x86_64
URL : https://github.com/ruby/debug
Licenses : BSD-2-Clause
Groups : None
Provides : None
Depends On : ruby ruby-irb ruby-reline
Optional Deps : None
Required By : ruby-bundled-gems
Optional For : None
Conflicts With : None
Replaces : None
Installed Size : 592.33 KiB
Packager : Andreas Schleifer <segaja@archlinux.org>
Build Date : Sun Jun 2 17:02:27 2024
Install Date : Tue Aug 20 18:00:43 2024
Install Reason : Installed as a dependency for another package
Install Script : No
Validated By : Signature
So, at least in my case, it’s a dependency, but I agree:
Probably the best way forward at this point, but the potential mess caused by that repo needs to be looked at / sorted out.
Though as of now it does not provide any such file/path. If it did and that was the source of this file then this error would not have occurred. Maybe some aur/chaotic-aur package previously did. But thats pure speculation.
It is in their case too, which is why its trying to be installed, but this existing -unowned- file is blocking the exchange because pacman wisely wont just overwrite it without being told to.
By executing the following command, I was able to delete the /usr/bin/rdbg file.
It seems to have been installed via gem.
sudo gem uninstall debug
After running this command, I executed sudo pacman -Syu, and the update was successfully completed.
It appears that chaotic-aur was not related to this issue.
Thank you very much!