Fehler beim Erstellen von pacnew-chaser

I use topgrade (available in our community repo), it has that functionality built-in.

Or you can use a pacman hook:

…and a script (replace meld with your favorite diff tool if desired):


echo; echo; echo ".pacnew files found: $(/usr/bin/pacdiff --output | wc -l)"
  echo; /usr/bin/pacdiff --output; echo
  set -euo pipefail
  export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
  for i in $(/usr/bin/pacdiff --output); do
    echo "Merging $i ..."
    /usr/bin/meld "admin://$i" "admin://${i/.pacnew/}"
    echo; echo
    read -p "Delete the .pacnew file $i? " -n 1 -r
    if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[YyOo]$ ]]
      echo; sudo rm -v $i
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