Failed to start Simple Desktop Display Manager

Its worked. Thank you!

Hi, got the same problem here. video-vesa is listed with PRIORITY 0.

But when I try to remove it via Preformatted text sudo mhwd -r pci video-vesa I got the output : Error: config ‘video-vesa’ is not installed!`

So rebooting the computer, or update it with sudo pacman -Syyu don’t do anything, I still got the error right after linux start.

I’m using a Thinkpad W530, dual GPU (Integrated intel HD4000 and NVIDIA Quadro K2000M).

If you have any ideas how this is happening, it could help me, as this problem appears after rebooting the computer after Manjaro latest “big” update.

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Same problem for me, I tried all solutions here and can’t solve it

I recently had this issue, again.
Deleting the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file then rebooting fixed it for me.

I met the same problem when I update my kernel from 58 to 59……have you solved this problem?

I use optimus-switch-sddm for graphics, after I typed sudo in TTY and reboot,I successfully entered my desktop. I hope this may help you.

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