Failed to run child process "gksudo" (nonexistent file or directory)

Yes, I managed to do it working using

  • pcmanfm admin://%f

But the command:

  • leafpad admin://%f
  • leafpad admin://%u

It’s still not working, I’m still trying to find a solution

I have made a note to take a look at the settings package and possibly fix it there.

Not all applications is usable - leafpad is one of them.

If you want editing to work you will have to install a gvfs aware editor - e.g. xed or use the zensu replacement.

I have uploaded new settings package(s) for lxde with the as root shortcuts removed. Instead there is a README file explaining on how to achieve the desired result.

When you get the updated packages you will need to copy the changed files from /etc/skel/.config to your ~/.config folder.

Thank you for your help.
I did the system update (sudo pamac update -a --force-refresh --no-confirm)
But what has actually changed?

I have the package installed;

  • zensu 0.3-1

However, the command;

  • zensu leafpad

Not working, it returns the following error;

  • /usr/bin/zensu: linha 10: zenity: command not found
  • triggered empty

Install the zenity package or any of the other dependencies in the list.

While all supported gui utils are marked as optional dependencies - the script itself fails because there is no check if any of the dependencies are installed.

A PR has been made to fix if no dependencies are installed

Thanks for the help and explanation.
Is there any other way to call the user password screen? No need to install packages, a password confirmation screen as well as displayed when opening PCManFM in admin mode?

Historically applications which needs execution as root are called using privilige escalation and those applications were terminal scripts.

What you are trying to do is launching a GUI application as root and Linux has tried hard to move away from running graphical applications as root.

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