Error relocating /usr/lib/ system stuck

So, you didn’t try that?
But the AUR version is more recent?

It should build, too.

It’s heavier any my friends have started on 4.10

Latest version need 100gigs of storage and mine 4.10 only 40gb

I wouldn’t expect an old version to compile without hassle on an almost bleeding edge system like Manjaro.
If you still must try to compile the older version … well: you already saw the results.

The fun fact is that unreal tells that we can build from vscode but there are you need community version on linux

I’m sorry, but I do not know what that might mean.

I once managed to do it then system was running out of storage and package were also full and plenty error on many side so frustrated me needing project of unreal to compile even before starting it I just re install my system

Vscode has community version for windows and epic games want us to use it on linux

If/when you build such a huge project
you should probably use ccache - and relocate the build directory to a sufficiently large directory in your $HOME
Else it is built in /tmp - which is RAM (and swap) based and can run out of space.
The file to adjust is:

… I’m not a coder - not at all
I’m totally oblivious of what vscode is or can do besides being an IDE or something …

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Yeah it’s probably good idea I will try it

@Nachlese I am having a problem here my language is changed a bit idk how it did after fixing this problem i upgraded my system and now language is changed a bit looking like african
i choosed en_IN as my language on installation but now it changed a bit . Even my rofi (dmenu)
which i use as application launcher the error is like

â­âgunit at gunit in â
â°âλ rofi -combi-modi window,drun,ssh -theme solarized -font "hack 10" -show combi

(process:4584): Rofi-WARNING **: 14:55:18.477: Failed to set locale

and this is my fish promt also changed like this

â­âgunit at gunit in â

previous it was like

╭─gunit at gunit in /home2/UnrealEngine-4.10

my /etc/locale.conf is this


locale -a

locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_COLLATE to default locale: No such file or directory

plz help me fix this too
i tried sudo locale-gen es_IN.UTF-8 and export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
but no success

I fixed it by this

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