Event sounds - disabling them


I’m fairly new to Manjaro so forgive my ignorance and potential faux pas in my formatting or description of my issue.

I would like to remove all event sounds from triggering when I preform tasks. I’ve used sudo rm Oxygen-Sys-Warning.ogg to get rid of the worst offender, but it seems to be back after reboot. I’d rather not have to run the rm command constantly.

I’ve tried to disable the notification sounds in the sound menu but this mocks me with it’s lack of help.

Any tips on removing these sounds permanently would be appreciated. All the other threads I located with similar issues either did not work or were not applicable.


Yeah, the KDE settings can be a bit of a maze sometimes. You can configure sounds for the battery warnings by going to System Settings Power Management Advanced Power Settings Configure Notifications…

I have not experienced any other event sounds on KDE, can you specify which ones you are experiencing?

Welcome to Manjaro and the forum. Have you tried

The only updated information that I see from this previous thread is that Application Settings is now Application-specific settings.

Thanks for the reply. Specifically its the sounds in my usr/share/sounds/[file name]


A number of them are a loud pianoish sound. (not that that matters I suppose)

I will definitely go though my system settings again and see what I can find.

Thanks, I will look to see if I can adjust these for the specific settings. Appreciate the tip.

I was more referring to, do you know what triggers them? Simply deleting the files isn’t going to change anything, we have to find what is causing them to play.