Unable to perform updates keyring issues

My pertner has had problems with up dates, There appear to be keyring issues.

So I followed this article.

[HowTo] Solve Keyring Related Issues in Manjaro

But after walking though the entire How to twice I still end up here

(468/468) checking keys in keyring                                 [####################################] 100%
(468/468) checking package integrity                               [####################################] 100%
error: libcups: signature from "Andreas Radke <andyrtr@archlinux.org>" is invalid
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/libcups-1:2.4.2-7-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] n
error: double-conversion: signature from "Antonio Rojas <arojas@archlinux.org>" is invalid
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/double-conversion-3.3.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] n
error: argon2: signature from "Christian Hesse <eworm@archlinux.org>" is invalid
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/argon2-20190702-5-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] n
error: cryptsetup: signature from "Philip Müller (Called Little) <philm@manjaro.org>" is invalid
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/cryptsetup-2.6.1-3.4-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] n
error: kbd: signature from "Tobias Powalowski <tobias.powalowski@googlemail.com>" is invalid
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/kbd-2.5.1-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] 

If everything else fails, there’s a way to update keyrings directly:

Once keyrings are fine, update the rest ot the system.

The wiki was recently updated, look there too

And maybe clean the cache: pacman -Scc