Edit mp3 file properties

Hi, I have downloaded music for the first time on manjaro (I am a relatively new to Manjaro and Linux in general, used windows before). The file properties (artist, album etc.) were not provided so I wanted wo add them manually after downloading. However, with the default file system (nautilus 3.38.2-1) I can read the file properties, but I cannot edit anything but the file name.
Does anyone know how to edit the properties?
Thank you in advance.

While it would be nice to edit Mp3 tags right from the Nautilus File Properies, it’s not possible as far as I know. With totem or gnome-mplayer and mediainfo installed, you can view tag info, but not edit it.

For tag editors that use GTK and fit nicely into GNOME, I suggest either EasyTAG (available in the official repositories) or puddletag which you can find in the AUR (Arch User Respository). For other options, see List of applications - ArchWiki


Thank you, just seen the answer now. I tried EasyTAG and worked perfectly fine.

Also, considering you are coming from Windows - MP3Tag is also available (on AUR, I think) - which is an awesome app if you are working on many files.
Rhythmbox allows you to edit it within the app without any third party editor. Not sure if it comes preloaded with Manjaro Gnome.