Drivers of my Wi-Fi not added to manjaro dde

I know the majaro dde 20 still only released the first pre fault or something like that
The driver in question is related to realtek drivers
I hope at least that in the next ISO that Wi-Fi is already available

Drivers have nothing to do with the desktop environment. Most are provided by the kernel.

Perhaps peruse related posts on the archived forum:

Please post your system information as outlined here:

Please also post the output of:

lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net

You also should actually tell us what problem you’re having with your Wi-Fi.


Source: [HowTo] Post screenshots and links

How to do it correctly, you can read here: [HowTo] Provide System Information


We’re sorry but we’re having a hard time understanding what you’re trying to say…

  • Do you mean we should include the rtl8822be driver in the kernel as it didn’t work out of the box? (already answered by @Yochanan: we can’t, that’s Linus Torvald’s job…)
  • Do you mean the driver wasn’t autodetected by our distro?
  • Something else entirely?

Please clarify what you’re trying to tell us. Imagine some of us are just 5 YO.
(Well… I am according to one of my ex-GFs, so…)


I think it’s the second, since wi-fi works perfectly in the manjaro with the other DE

Please be more specific: Which one works and which doesn’t? (Gnome / KDE???)


All major, gnome kde and xfce (although only tested with manjaro 20)

So none of them work?

In that case:



I think OP means that it does work on the other major DE’s, but it does not work in Deepin edition (tag and screenshot are Deepin).

I wonder how far you should go with support if user is not putting any effort in giving you the required info on many levels.

Btw. looking at the screenshot it seems that the wifi device is actually detected…