Download updates always start from beginning in pacman, why?

Replied to wrong poster...

You should consider RTFT (read the fine thread) before updating - especially when you don’t have much clue what you’re doing:

[Stable Updates] 2024-12-16 - Kernels, Cinnamon, Deepin, Cosmic, Mauikit, ZFS - #47 by Hal9000

It’s important to understand what you are using (Desktop, Branch) to read the correct update thread…

It’s also important not to skip updates, and not to skip merging pacnew files.

If this is too much, then perhaps consider that Manjaro might not be the right distribution - because it is ROLLING and does require minimal maintenance more than once or twice every year.

Terminal Tips:

You are very confused about your own terminal useage… might I suggest you take FISH for a spin?

I rather dislike many man pages (some are good, others are just TL;DR)…

  1. Install tldr package and run ‘tldr pacman’.
  2. type sudo pacman - and press the tab:
Tab help using FISH terminal
❯ sudo pacman -S <tab>
-Sb                (Alternate database location)
-Sc           (Remove [all] packages from cache)
-Sd               (Skip [all] dependency checks)
-Sg     (Display members of [all] package GROUP)
-Sh                               (Display help)
-Si        (View PACKAGE [extended] information)
-Sl            (List all packages in REPOSITORY)
-Sp                (Dry run, only print targets)
-Sq                      (Show less information)
-Sr                (Alternate installation root)
-Ss      (Search remote repositories for regexp)
-Su  (Upgrade all packages that are out of date)
-SV                   (Display version and exit)
-Sv                (Output more status messages)
-Sw          (Only download the target packages)
-Sy   (Download fresh package databases [force])
  • From here you can SEE that -Sy will FORCE download fresh package databases.

  • Also that -d option will SKIP ALL DEPENDENCY CHECKS.

  • Your terminal has a lot of built-in help… for this reason, many thousands of Linux users never got near a forum because they simply read and use the assistance built in.

  • Similarly, Manjaro posts regular update threads so that AFTER EVERY UPDATE you can enter the thread and vote (No Problem, or Problem I fixed myself - post details, or 'Problem - details below and wait for assistance fixing the problem).

❯ tldr pacman

  Arch Linux package manager utility.
  See also: pacman-sync, pacman-remove, pacman-query, pacman-upgrade, pacman-files, pacman-database, pacman-deptest, pacman-key, pacman-mirrors.
  For equivalent commands in other package managers, see
  More information:

  Synchronize and update all packages:

    sudo pacman -Syu

  Install a new package:

    sudo pacman -S package

  Remove a package and its dependencies:

    sudo pacman -Rs package

  Search the database for packages containing a specific file:

    pacman -F "file_name"

  List installed packages and versions:

    pacman -Q

  List only the explicitly installed packages and versions:

    pacman -Qe

  List orphan packages (installed as dependencies but not actually required by any package):

    pacman -Qtdq

  Empty the entire pacman cache:

    sudo pacman -Scc

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