Downgrading NVIDIA drivers due to Steam launch problem

Yes, and it is working when I launch it with -vgui

Then, what is the problem? I don’t understand?
Is it that you have to change the shortcut? or type 5 extra characters?

I consider this solved then, or never really an error.

But the reason you probably need that option has to do with hardware acceleration (I think) so if you want to solve that, that is what you probably should look into,

Maybe these links could contain some info helpful to you

Seems to be a few things to test for you in there

The problem is that before the system update Steam was working without errors (I mean the one with the new interface). Steam does not start properly after the update and the only way to start it is to run with the -vgui argument. In this launch, the friends windows no longer work. The arch wiki says this is probably due to a bug in the newer nvidia drivers, which is possible because I updated them so thought I’d ask how to downgrade those drivers. I saw posts on the manjaro forum about downgrading drivers but didn’t understand them.

Yeah, as I stated earlier, and mentioned a bunch of times in the links I posted, it has to do with hardware acceleration.

I highly discourage you to change your drivers, but you do what you want ofc.

If many people are affected by this, I suspect it will get solved pretty soon.
It’s an inconvenience you probably have to live with for a short while.

Ok, so I used fix from the GitHub reply you posted, and so far it works (this one: Steam does not start, steamwebhelper keeps crashing in a loop · Issue #9780 · ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux · GitHub). I’ll use Steam for a while and see how it works, and report back if something goes wrong again. I also appreciate the help You both have provided.

It would be highly appreciated if you could post the exact method you used (with commands and explanations) and then mark that as a solution so other pople who might find this thread can immediately find the solution. :slight_smile:


This is how I solved it:
I used the explanation in LINK

Open terminal and type:
steam -vgui
Steam > Settings > Interface, then disable hardware accelerated web views

In terminal do:
steam --reset

Once steam launches, close it fully
In terminal:
sudo rm -r ~/.cache/nvidia/GLCache

Steam should now keep launching normally


According to this github answer this is how the problem was solved for me (for now).

  1. Open terminal and do steam -vgui
  2. Go to Settings > Interface, then disable hardware accelerated web views and close steam (fully)
  3. In terminal do steam --reset
  4. Once steam launches, close it fully
  5. In terminal do sudo rm -r ~/.cache/nvidia/GLCache
  6. Steam should now launch normally
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