Don´t want BTRFS snapshots during an AUR update

So I inserted the gpg key from librewolf-bin months ago with:

gpg --keyserver hkp:// --search-keys 031F7104E932F7BD7416E7F6D2845E1305D6E801

I built librewolf-bin with “pamac build librewolf-bin”.

An update with “pamac upgrade -a” the build dir is /var/tmp/pamac-build-benutzer/. Works fine

But with “sudo pamac upgrade -a” is the build dir /var/cache/pamac. Pamac ends with GPG error

So it does not work with sudo.

I see, timeshift-autosnap supports pacman well, not pamac.
But pacman does not support AUR. Then try yay that would ignore timeshift-autosnap?

I have a look.

It will build the package but still use pacman to install it.

What are the “yay” command line arguments to

  1. do only normal Manjaro updates
  2. only Aur updates

Or would it be like this?

pamac upgrade && SKIP_AUTOSNAP=1 sudo yay

I guess sudo SKIP_AUTOSNAP=1 yay -Syu --aur updates only AUR.

I refer to post Nr.3, and don’t use sudo yay !!!