Does Dolphin support transfer queue?

Dear Gurus,

TL;DR version:
Does Dolphin support transfer queue? If so, how to enable it?

Long version:
Every now and then, I need to perform data migration in the quantity of GB and TB.
I use Dolphin for the data migration.

Scenario A:
If the migration involves HDD 1 to HDD 2, AND HDD 3 to HDD 4, of course the 2 transfer can happen in parallel without impact to the transfer speed.

Scenario B:
If the migration involves HDD 1 to HDD 2, AND HDD 1 to HDD 3, then it is not ideal to run both transfers simultaneously.

In Scenario B, I guess the solution would be to perform the transfer in sequential, ie. initiate 2nd transfer after the 1st has completed.
However, as the transfer involves GB or TB of data, I wouldn’t be able to wait by the desktop to initiate 2nd transfer.
And it would be ideal to let the system initiate 2nd transfer automatically, to save time.

So, is there a way to do it in Dolphin?
If so, how to do it?

Thank you!

PS: I need to retain the file properties of each file. And those sync apps seem to reset the date/time properties of the files to the date/time of transfer. So I cannot use sync app.

Dolphin Version 24.08.3
Operating System: Manjaro Linux
KDE Plasma Version: 6.2.4
KDE Frameworks Version: 6.8.0
Qt Version: 6.8.1
Kernel Version: 6.12.1-4-MANJARO (64-bit)

I wouldn’t think such a feature would be built in - however, you can write commands and scripts to do what you need to do.

I’m not sure I’d do both simultaneously, especially as we’re talking about Hard Disks here and not SSD’s.

Now, for transferring a LARGE amount of data - I’d be looking at rsync, which is safer and more reliable.

Archiving preserves files status…

alias rsync-progress='rsync -avh --progress'
alias rsync-stat='rsync --progress --stats -ravz'
  • Look at man rsync to decypher those :wink:

Now how do you check?

command_that_might_fail if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "The command failed." else echo "The command succeeded." 

Obviously, Dolphin also supports (F4) Konsole, so you could open a couple of dual pane windows - but I’d suggest triggering them individually if you’re going to do it that way, or simply write the script:

The Script


# Function to check the status of the last command and exit if an error occurred
check_status() {
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "An error occurred. Exiting script."
    exit 1

# Move data from /mnt/hd1 to /mnt/hd2
echo "Starting transfer from /mnt/hd1 to /mnt/hd2..."
rsync -avh --progress /mnt/hd1/ /mnt/hd2/
echo "Transfer from /mnt/hd1 to /mnt/hd2 completed successfully."

# Move data from /mnt/hd3 to /mnt/hd4
echo "Starting transfer from /mnt/hd3 to /mnt/hd4..."
rsync -avh --progress /mnt/hd3/ /mnt/hd4/
echo "Transfer from /mnt/hd3 to /mnt/hd4 completed successfully."

echo "All transfers completed successfully."

:warning: Don’t trust me, make sure you test this out properly (because I didn’t, and because I’m not a Guru)…

Lack of experience would not let me enter into a discussion of sequential or parallel transfers.

As long as the 2 transfer sessions involve different HDDs, the transfer bandwidth won’t be throttled.
And due to the fact that these are HDDs and not SSDs, parallel transfer would save 50% of time, compared to sequential transfer.

Yeah, I learnt my lesson - especially my area suffers from unexpected power outage.
The trick is: I copy the files, and upon completion, run a file comparison on both HDDs, then only I delete the files on source HDD.
If there is any power outage or system hang, I can backtrack the file transfer progress and resume transfer, with a little effort.

Hmm, I didn’t know rsync has archive mode, which preserve the file properties.
I will look up to see how to use this, or find a GUI version of it.

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  • Deleting the original files only if the copy was successful.
  • Running both operations in parallel and includes checks to ensure data integrity:

# Function to check the status of the last command and exit if an error occurred
check_status() {
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "An error occurred. Exiting script."
    exit 1

# Start first transfer
echo "Starting transfer from /hdd1 to /hdd2..."
rsync -avh --progress --remove-source-files /hdd1/ /hdd2/ > /tmp/rsync_hd1_hd2.log 2>&1 &

# Start second transfer in the background and log the output
echo "Starting transfer from /hdd3 to /hdd4..."
rsync -avh --progress --remove-source-files /hdd3/ /hdd4/ > /tmp/rsync_hd3_hd4.log 2>&1 &

# Wait for both background jobs to finish
wait $PID1
echo "Transfer from /hdd1 to /hdd2 completed successfully."

wait $PID2
echo "Transfer from /hdd3 to /hdd4 completed successfully."

echo "All transfers completed successfully."
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In order to check the transfer you don’t need a separate compare script. Just use start rsync a second time using the checksum option:

–checksum, -c skip based on checksum, not mod-time & size

this would fix corrupt or incomplete files in one step.

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I found this old discussion that at least indicates it was being considered at one point:

This used to be possible natively in Mac’s Finder (many years ago) but ultimately fell by the wayside. A handy feature.

I confess to having used Plasma for a long time and not giving this any thought, as file transfers haven’t proven a bottleneck for me.

A quick look now reveals nothing promising in Dolphin settings.

Krusader, in addition to supporting multiple panels, does support file queues; so that’s an alternative well worth consideration:

sudo pacman -Syu krusader

There are several helper apps that might be beneficial installing, but the file queue appears to be native.

There is an app that replaces the file copy dialog that will achieve this, but it doesn’t look like it’s had much attention for a while.

There are probably other similar projects, but I concede this is probably less than ideal.

I hope this is in some way helpful.


I’m only a metal guru :guitar: (air guru, maybe)

Suddenly, there were a surge by everyone to deny being a Guru…

Upon your recommendation, I installed and tried Krusader.
I have not tried the transfer queue feature, but the UI and the UX are not intuitive to me.

And while searching, I came across some mentions that Nemo does support transfer queue.
Anyone can confirm this?

Every package has a learning curve. :slight_smile:

File transfers are handled through its GUI, and a press of a button chooses to queue files, but it looks like there’s no keyboard control.

I can’t, but I saw a reference that Nautilus supported file queues too, but that turned out to be a red herring.

Just install Nemo anyway and see for yourself. I imagine you can easily remove it again.


Just installed and tried.
Indeed it supports transfer queue.

The problem is: the transfer cannot be paused - only cancel allowed.

Well, you might be out of luck then. Unless maybe spend some time to familiarise yourself with Krusader, and use that when you want to use the file queue feature.

And there’s always UltraCopier from the AUR (mentioned before) but that will be without support from Manjaro; plus it’s outdated; but, maybe it might surprise you.

I will stick to Nemo for the moment… it’s not ideal, but better than nothing.


Another idea.
How about using grsync at the same time?
I use grsync for large-scale moves.

However, unlike when using nemo, it does not copy user-defined emblems etc. I feel like there must be a better way, but I have never tried it successfully.

If there are 10,000 target files and only one or two are corrupted, nemo is very inconvenient.

For this, I have a quick solution: FreeFileSync.
It is a GUI app.
It can quickly scan and compare multiple files and show u the different folders/files in 2 sources, then u can decide which direction to sync.

Let me explore this…


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