Do i need swap?

Since all three options exists obviously every option has its benefits. I think most experienced users which are not using suspend to disk (hibernate) would recommend rather systemd-swap or a normal swap file as it’s flexible in size and most of the time a swap partition is just wasted disk space. If you have plenty, then why not having a swap partition which is easy to set-up as well. I still would recommend you to use systemd-swap, it’s the state-of-the-art solution for Arch / Manjaro AFAIK.

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I have different point of view. You see empty wasted space, I see extra Over provisioning for my SSD :smiley:

Hehe. I dont care if I have 8 GB more or less. Only what I care is hassle free work, performance, smooth multitasking, playing etc xD

That is not a swap-problem/solution but an ssd-related one.

Ok, so I am good…I have ssd :slight_smile:

Another load info after some uptime (reminder : I use systemd-swap to manage swap & have browser.tabs.unloadOnLowMemory set to true on my Firefox instances) :

[meuh@ordi1 ~]$ uptime
 10:15:57 up 1 day,  1:00,  1 user,  load average: 2,40, 2,51, 2,54
[meuh@ordi1 ~]$  ps aux | wc -l
[meuh@ordi1 ~]$ netstat -an | wc -l
[meuh@ordi1 ~]$ free
              total       utilisé      libre     partagé tamp/cache   disponible
Mem:          11756        5094        1899         743        4762        5310
Partition d'échange:         511         392         119
[meuh@ordi1 ~]$ swapon -s
Nom de fichier				Type		Taille	Utilisé	Priorité
/var/lib/systemd-swap/swapfc/1         	file    	262140	259748	50
/var/lib/systemd-swap/swapfc/2         	file    	262140	141896	49
[meuh@ordi1 ~]$ ipcs -mu

------ État de la mémoire partagée --------
segments alloués = 94
pages alloués = 82883
pages résidentes = 29516
pages d'échange = 20
performance de l'espace d'échange = 0 tentatives	 0 succès

[meuh@ordi1 ~]$

I know but nothing wrong seeing both pros and cons even though they are distant issues.
It’s just optimism.

There is an entire Wiki article that explains this in excruciating detail:


Spoiler alert: Yes, you very probably need swap!


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