Do i have a virus/trojan

i noticed some slow loading pages on the internet,
it might be something with the DNS provider(cloudflare)since DL/UL speeds are fine,
but i checked Htop and saw this process twice:
root........(virt 24.2G)............. /usr/lib/xorg -nolisten tcp -background none -seat -seat0 vt2 -auth /run/sddm/xauth_JUMCar -noreset -displayfd 16

i looked for JUMCar and the only results are about a Peruvian Trojan.
found nothing in relation to linux .

I can’t say for sure you don’t have a virus (probably not, anyway). But I can say that that process is not the culprit. I have (almost) the same:

/usr/lib/Xorg -nolisten tcp -background none -seat seat0 vt2 -auth /run/sddm/xauth_JYumCq -noreset -displayfd 16

The JUMCar part is only some random text. As you can see, I have the same, but with a different random part.

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I’m no expert, but I believe that file name is a randomly generated one for sddm. See here for instance

SDDM uses a random fresh UUID for the auth file

I know that link refers to /var/run/sddm instead of /run/sddm but I think it is essentially the same - on my system the file is (currently) called xauth_GCuwmc. Of course, it may be we both have the same problem and I just don’t know it yet :frowning_face:

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so my random letters ended up being the name of a Trojan :sweat_smile:


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