Decrease the delay after entering wrong password

If I enter a wrong password for three times, KDE start a delay of 10 Minutes.
This is on Login-Screen (first boot) and even at the Screensaver Dialog.

Where can I change the amount of time for this delay?

search for “pam delay” , “arch pam delay” at the internet. the config-files are stored at /etc/pam.d.
i never touched them so i cannot give further infos. you can adjust them, but be very carefully. there are some howtos that show how to disable the locking function completely. DON’T do this, that’s the most rubbish anyone can do. the password-locking-mechanism is the most important safety-function of every system.


Ok, for anybody who also is looking for this, I add here the way to do it as described in the arch-wiki:

Enforce a delay after a failed login attempt

Add the following line to /etc/pam.d/system-login to add a delay of at least 4 seconds between failed login attempts:


auth optional delay=4000000

4000000 is the time in microseconds to delay.

@Olli I see what you mean, but an delay of 10 Minutes, without any change to reboot the pc, or abort this delay is much to high. Even 1 till 3 Minutes are more than enough to spoil a hacker’s fun.

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You can “abort” it…of course log in as another user, such as root, for this.

You can view the failed logins:

faillock --user $USER

and unlock the account:

faillock --user $USER --reset

There’s a conf file for this purpose, take a look at:



This is not the standard.
(even checking right now on a relatively new install … timeout is ~5 seconds on a failed attempt)

after 3 failed logins the login is locked for 10 minutes. that’s the standard on manjaro and this was his issue.

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I dont know why I skipped the “3” … yeah, a lockout is initiated after 3 fails, including on something like sudo, and that is true and 10 minutes by default.

(for extra clarity - I previously meant the few seconds for a single fail wait period … such as at SDDM > wrong password > pause ~5 seconds)

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