Disney + - has stopped working

I haven’t been able to play movies on Disney + for a while. I thought it was a problem with the platform itself. I read a bit about the problem and found a solution to the problem by installing the Firefox extension user-agent extension. Unfortunately, this solution is not ideal because when the extension is enabled, playing movies on disney + works, but other platforms, such as NETFLIX, stop working. If I want to watch disney + material, I must have the user-agent turned on, and if I want to watch a movie on NETFLIX, I must remember to turn it off. Is there any easier way to solve the problem of watching movies on the Disney + platform.

They disabled access for Linux users.

It is a problem of the platform itself.

For you actual problem, try to find an extension that changes the user-agent just for certain sites. I don’t know if there is any though

You have a black-list in option and white-list so play with that.

user agent needs to be changed to Windows or MacOS to get it back working on Linux. It is normally known. It's Not Just You: Disney+ Doesn't Work on Linux ATM - OMG! Ubuntu!

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