Disk not Found after Manjaro Crash - DELL Latitude 5530

Hey guys,

Unfortunately no luck with the SSD.
I still have no idea how i was able to fry 2 SSDs (Kioxia 1TB 2230) under Manjaro with a lifespan of about 30 minutes. Maybe somebody else has any input…

Anyways - Installed a new NVMe into the laptop which seems to run fine, so atleast the Controllers were not harmed.

I also tried to mount the SSD into a NVMe to USB case, no luck there as well - Seems to be gone.

Thanks again for your time and ideas.

Take care and stay healthy


I have just tried upgrading my laptop with apt upgrade and now it does not detect my hard drive.

Using a live USB and running dmesg gives the same error:
nvme nvme0: Identify Controller failed (17089)

The SSD is also from KIOXIA a 512GB one
Did you try anything else or just assumed it broke?


if its also not detected in bios, its probably dead… seams theres something wrong with these kioxia disks… did you have also encrypted the drive?

No, in this case it was without encryption

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