Keyboard key mapping mistake

I wanted to map a mouse button.
I went to system settings workspace shortcuts

I hit my mouse key and nothing happened, so i hit enter. Now my enter key generates an event but it isn’t enter anymore.

I tried the mouse button again, this time i knocked out the lowercase e. Still not realizing what damage i was doing, I bumped off v.

I dont know exactly how I did this, i believe it was as I wrote, but it could have happened in another failed attempt to set the mouse buttons.

I can’t find the config file that recorded my bad key mappings. Or the tool that would undo those mistakes. Thats what I want - to restore e, v, enter to their original meanings.

You’d be surprised how important these keys are.

I don’t see what page you are talking about.

If you mean those shortcut settings

  • you can reset each shortcut individually with the Delete button next to it
  • you reset everything with the Default button at the bottom