Different cpu workloads for the same process building a package from AUR

Right before I start, I say sorry. I know It’s a little off topic, but didn’t find a better place for my question. Second, I know, I shouldn’t have done that, but I used pamac with sudo.

I did that to install amarok, which didn’t work either with yay nor with pamac, but worked just fine using pamac with sudo.

I had htop running while building the package and installing it. I like to do that, just for getting to know my stuff better. At least I am still learning Linux an IT in general. I watched the CPU workload and witnessed the following: When I tried to install amarok with yay or pamac without sudo, all 14 cores (all 20 threads) were at 100% all the time. When I used sudo pamac all cores were at less then 5% permanently. I repeated the whole thing several times. Allways the same. Can anyone explain that to me?

Greetings from Lingen, Germany

See: man makepkg.conf


  • grep "MAKEFLAGS" /etc/makepkg.conf
  • grep "MAKEFLAGS" $HOME/.makepkg.conf
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(base) [timok@VivoLinux ~]$ grep "MAKEFLAGS" /etc/makepkg.conf
#-- If using DistCC, your MAKEFLAGS will also need modification. In addition,
(base) [timok@VivoLinux ~]$ grep "MAKEFLAGS" $HOME/.makepkg.conf
#-- If using DistCC, your MAKEFLAGS will also need modification. In addition,

I have no idea, what that means… :thinking:

Don’t do that. Pamac will prompt for authentication when required.



See the difference? :wink:

See makepkg - ArchWiki

Then why did you create $HOME/.makepkg.conf with those changes?


You are telling the compiler to use one more processor core than what you actually have

This is even often recommended, but also can lead to failures - as you learned.

Use a lower, safer number (like the default MAKEFLAGS="-j2")
or give it the number of actual cores that your processor has got as a maximum.
That lower number will not saturate the processor cores but of course will make the compilation take longer.

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Thanks for the explanations. Now I see…

FWIW I use minus 2

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