中文字体 (Chinese Fonts)

据我所知,我还没有安装“ Arch wiki”中列出的任何典型中文字体。 但是,中文字符可以正确显示,例如 在Firefox中。 哪些字体文件可以这样做?它们在哪里? 如何安装?

As far as I can see, I haven’t installed any of the typical Chinese fonts listed in Arch wiki. However, Chinese characters are displayed correctly e.g. in Firefox. Which fonts files do this and where are they located? How are they installed?

Ich habe, soweit ich sehen kann, keine der in “Arch wiki” aufgeführten typischen chinesischen Fonts installiert. Dennoch werden chinesische Schriftzeichen, z.B. in Firefox korrekt dargestellt. Welche Fonts-Dateien bewerkstelligen das und wo liegen sie? Wie werden sie installiert?

I think the characters are displayed by the Droid font (ttf-droid) which is a dependency of Firefox.

The Droid family includes two fonts called Droid Sans Japanese and Droid Sans Fallback which could display the characters in your post, although I’m not sure how accurate they are in displaying these characters (I’m not familiar with Chinese or Japanese at all).

You can find more information about the Droid fonts here:

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如图,我想把默认的希腊字母字体换成其它(不是宋体)有什么方法吗?我不知道Computer Modern或者Times New Roman什么的有没有对应的字体。

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