Degoogle your life: feasible alternatives

Hi all,

I’m quite new to this community, so if this question is off topic please let me know.

I recenty installed Manjaro KDE out of a long felt curiosity and as an attempt to use it for all of my home computing. In time I will also degoogle my life. I wonder how many alternatives will also work on Manjaro in combination with many android phones, my manjaro or other linux laptop and a few win10 pc’s in my household of 2 adults and 2 kids.

I am looking for a secure and privacy respecting solutions for mail, calendar and drive, and also I need at least one but preferably more shared calendar for family events.

Has anyone gone a similar path before me and what would they recommend?

Kind regards,

Proton comes highly recommended -

  • drive
  • calendar
  • mail
  • vpn

Hi @jagercode,

Have a look at ProtonMail. I think it has calendar as well.

have a look at

Have a look at OpenDrive

Obviously for most, if not all of this you’ll have to pay, but that’s the price of privacy.

Bluemail isn’t completely open source but works extremely well on android Linux and Windows. It will sync everything and has a feature called magic sync. For storage personally I use Dropbox and mega but they are not open source

I would recommend hosting a nextcloud instance yourself. However, I know that this is not feasible for anybody (server administration, security, maintenance, setting it up, etc.).

You can find other alternatives (also hosted ones) here: GNU/Linux - Platforms - PRISM Break

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