VIM displays Warning every time I quit

Sorry in advance if this isn’t the appropriate forum. I figured I can’t be the only one with this issue.

Every time I use vim, I see a warning when I quit. The warning reads:

Warning: Color name "BACKGROUND" is not defined

Which I thought was strange since I don’t even have my ~/.vimrc config setup yet. I checked out /etc/vimrc, where the is only one line…

runtime! archlinux.vim

I replaced this line with runtime! vimrc_example.vim. But I still get the same error on exit. Not a major issue but it is a wee bit annoying and I don’t know where else this error could be coming from.

Edit your ~/.Xresources - add the background property

! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! theme colors
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Xcursor.size: 24

! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! theme colors
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! special
*.foreground: #c0c5ce
*.background: #2b303b

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