Dbus, Jackd, and long shutdown time

For months, I have been experiencing long shut down times.

I finally got around to looking into it

Aug 26 01:36:05 admin-x670aoruseliteax systemd[1]: sddm.service: Consumed 1min 27.645s CPU time, 221.7M memory peak.
Aug 26 01:37:34 admin-x670aoruseliteax systemd[1863]: dbus-:1.2-org.jackaudio.service@1.service: State 'stop-sigterm' timed out. Killing.
Aug 26 01:37:34 admin-x670aoruseliteax systemd[1863]: dbus-:1.2-org.jackaudio.service@1.service: Killing process 2322 (jackdbus) with signal SIGKILL.
Aug 26 01:37:34 admin-x670aoruseliteax systemd[1863]: dbus-:1.2-org.jackaudio.service@1.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
Aug 26 01:37:34 admin-x670aoruseliteax systemd[1863]: dbus-:1.2-org.jackaudio.service@1.service: Failed with result 'timeout'.
Aug 26 01:37:34 admin-x670aoruseliteax systemd[1863]: Stopped dbus-:1.2-org.jackaudio.service@1.service.

As you can see jack hangs for about a minute and a half before timing out and getting killed.

I found a solution was to switch back to the old dbus provider dbus-daemon-units

I also found the update thread in this forum explaining that dbus-broker-units is the default moving forward and is the recommended choice.

Does anyone know a way to fix my error and also use the recommended dbus-broker-units?
