Davinci Resolve: How to install and get it working?

well the only option offered is Davinci 17 , i want to install 16 , is it possible?

Shame that the AUR does not have older version of resolve , 16 at least

I have Davinci Resolve 17 up and running with no issues on Manjaro KDE,

i have a RX 6800

i just installed 2 packages from AUR




then i downloaded the program from BlackMagic

and i run it from the command line with ./progl resolve

or from the already existing desktop shortcut that the program creates

i only had to edit it and under command enter this

sh -c “progl /opt/resolve/bin/resolve”

It finally worked after lot of tries, thank you so much! But there is a thing makes me unhappy, how could i know this sh -c “progl /opt/resolve/bin/resolve” command will work. Even the Arch Wiki couldn’t help me to run it )): what does sh -c command do?

im a newbie btw

you need to right click on the desktop shortcut that DR creates, and open it with an editor like Kate.
then change the Exec= to look like this and save.

Exec=sh -c “progl /opt/resolve/bin/resolve”

and you dont need to run the program from the terminal any more.


I have a AMD Ryzen 5 3400G and tried to get Davinci Resolve running.

II did what @Nalis did:


  • opencl-amd (AUR)
  • amdgpu-pro-libgl (AUR)

and then installed Davinci Resolve by executing: DaVinci_Resolve_17.1.1_Linux_xyz123.run (downloaded from BlackMagic)

Tried to run it from terminal with: progl /opt/resolve/bin/resolve

I get


And in the configuration menu there is nothing to select for me


Do you have any clue how to get Resolve running

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Why? cuz the Pacman or yay installation is broken
same as you I was struggling with this running for one time and then broke
check first the latest kernel and update your graphic card open sources or Nvidia, this method which I tried is proven even after a while is still working

sudo pacman -Syu base-devel git
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/davinci-resolve.git

after cloning the repo go to files the open davinci-resolve file open by terminal
or directly in the terminal

cd  Davinci-resolve

ls to see what is inside the file if see the file PKGBUILD then do this to install it finally

 makepkg -si

make sure when asking you to make an app image launcher do that so it will an app instead of going from the file and open it

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