Davinci Resolve crashing on startup

Hi there,
recently I made the jump to a completely windows free desktop with manjaro.
Everything works fine except davinci resolve. I installed it through the aur, however it keeps crashing on startup. On the first start there was a window that warned me, that my graphics card may not be enough, which is weird because its an Amd Radeon RX580. I did some digging and found the following crash report in .local/share/DaVinciResolve/crash_archive.txt:
#TIME Sat Aug 15 23:46:11 2020 - Uptime 00:00:00 (hh:mm:ss)
#PROGRAM_NAME DaVinci Resolve v16.2.5.015 (Linux/Clang)

/opt/resolve/bin/resolve() [0x5504289]
/opt/resolve/bin/resolve() [0x5503a7a]
/usr/lib/libpthread.so.0(+0x14960) [0x7f685ace3960]
/usr/lib/libc.so.6(+0x1642d8) [0x7f68588632d8]
/opt/resolve/libs/libFairlightPage.so(_ZN6SDebugC2EPKcS1_ibbNS_8CategoryENS_8LoadWhenEb+0x39) [0x7f67d5aa1e89]
/opt/resolve/libs/libFairlightPage.so(+0xe649a5) [0x7f67d5dd79a5]
/opt/resolve/libs/libFairlightPage.so(+0x13117d6) [0x7f67d62847d6]
Signal Number = 11

does anyone have an idea how to fix this?
My hardware specs are:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700x
GPU: MSI Radeon RX580 (also AMD)

thanks in advance


AFAIK DaVinci Resolve requires the AMD PRO drivers to work with an AMD GPU, but those drivers are unfamiliar to me. This might help:

thanks for the link. After installing all the packages resolve sadly did still not start. However the crash report shrunk to:

#TIME Sun Aug 16 11:48:32 2020 - Uptime 00:00:02 (hh:mm:ss)
#PROGRAM_NAME DaVinci Resolve v16.2.5.015 (Linux/Clang)

/opt/resolve/bin/resolve() [0x5504289]
/opt/resolve/bin/resolve() [0x5503a7a]
/usr/lib/libpthread.so.0(+0x14960) [0x7f61a2da9960]
Signal Number = 11
Also another problem is that if I don’t uninstall amdgpu-pro-libgl before a restart my x-server throws a segmentation fault exception (luckily I had a backup).

3 posts were split to a new topic: Davinci Resolve not starting hybrid GPU laptop

That will not work, read this: DaVinci Resolve "No OpenCL capable GPU" - RX580