Apparmor Profiles on KDE-Desktop not working


I am new in this forum and rather new with Manjaro.

My System: Manjaro KDE host; Manjaro XCFE running in a Virtualbox.

What I want: Using Apparmor profiles for enhancing security addtionally to Firejail (on host and guest system).

My problem: While Apparmor is working fine on XCFE in Virtualbox I have profound trouble on the Manjaro KDE host:
Command „sudo aa-status“ displays only „enabled“ instead of the modes of the profiles as it’s happens on XFCE in VB.

Outcomes of other commands:
„systemctl status apparmor.service“—>
„apparmor.service - Load AppArmor profiles
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/apparmor.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: inactive (dead)“
„journalctl -b -u apparmor.service“ --→
„-- No entries –“

Whenever I run commands like „sudo aa-enforce programname“
or „sudo aa-complain programname“
or „sudo aa-enforce etc/apparmor.d/*“
the command is executed, but even mostly during the same session
the profiles are lost or at least after reboot.In consequence of that the commands "sudo aa-status“ etc. show that no profiles are saved and working.

My question:Is there any solution/workaround to get Apparmor working as it does in XFCE? Any explanation why it’s working so differently?
Thanks for help in advance.