A review from Luke Smith

[Linux is getting worse for Normal People… - YouTube]
by Luke Smith

I personally see what you’re doing at Manjaro and truly appreciate it. I am neither technically capable of creating nor frankly criticizing any of your decisions, however, I watched this video from Luke Smith recently and thought that it wouldn’t hurt to ensure your team was aware of his criticism. Certainly, it’s undiplomatically worded and doesn’t recognize the contribution that his been made to the Linux community, but that wasn’t the point he was making. As an avid user and someone who cares about encouraging people over to the distro, I wanted to pass it along.

Best of luck in all your endeavors!

Welcome to the forum! :wave:

Yes, we’re aware of his ignorant, asinine video. Who cares? Just use whatever you want and ignore the idjits. :wink:


I wasnt.
But sure did kick it off with the claim ‘no emotionally normal human…’
Almost as bombastic as it is indicative of some severe misunderstandings about our shared reality.

OoOoO cant run pamac and pacman at the same time?
I think thats demonstrably false … unless they literally mean trying to perform multiple package exchanges at once … which would mean by their definition pacman is incompatible with pacman.

I am sure it gets better from there :laughing:







I love me some good ol’ criticism, and was even ready to jump to his defense if his critiques of Manjaro were sensible and valid.

But this guy was all over the place. The entire rant was barely coherent and danced by tangents that are either flat-out wrong or not unique to Manjaro, and sometimes not even unique to Linux.



There are also certain terms that are red-flags. Like people who call themselves ‘alpha-males’.
Now I know of a new one ‘soy-ware’.

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Holy moly! I just realized I can’t use Add/Remove Software, Synaptic, apt, dpkg, or Mint Update Manager AT THE SAME TIME under Linux Mint! WHAT WERE THOSE FOOLISH MINT DEVELOPERS THINKING? Bunch of amateurs!


YouTube is full of opinionated and narcissistic idiots these days, because it has evolved from a fun place to a politicized and monetized medium. There are actually people who make their living out of monetizing their videos, even though their content is worth less than a dead rodent’s tail end.

Too many trollses, Preciousss. :man_shrugging:


@cscs, I found a juicy one for you:

Timestamp at 4:39:

I hate it when a package manager… screws up my… uh, lsblkcommand? Wait, what? Can someone explain this revelation to me?

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They have taken the Bridge and the Second Hall. We have barred the gates, but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes… Drums. Drums in the deep. We cannot get out. A Shadow moves in the dark… We cannot get out… They are coming.

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Who said you were part of we, stranger? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I think someone shared it in the team channel.

Maybe we should just tell him “Use the Source, Luke.” :crazy_face:

@alven, you’re just bitter because you broke your L-S-B-L-K. :crazy_face:

“Normie-centered desktop environment”

Thank you for sharing this video. I haven’t laughed this hard in a while. I’m trying to catch my breath from bursting out every ten seconds, and it’s so hard to finish this video without pausing for a laugh break.


Seriously mean it. This video is gold! :ok_hand: :man_cook:

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I know manjaro has its faults but is he seriously criticising manjaro for giving you options? No snaps or flatpaks are installed but you have the option to use them if you want. You can use cli package management or gui again user is given choice.

Isn’t one of the best things about linux choice? The ability to make your pc/de/os exactly how you want it


Some people can’t handle choice. There’s a couple of trolls on Usenet who’ve been moaning for years that GNU/Linux offers them too many choices, and that there should be only one desktop environment and one repository. :man_facepalming:

Addendum: Those who don’t understand GNU/Linux are doomed to reinvent it ─ poorly.


zeee FrAgMeNtaTioN :scream:


What are you talking about, @sawdoctor? Clearly Manjaro prevents you from using the terminal. It’s either the evil Pamac or the command-line. It cannot be both!

This amazing YouTuber is saving so many “normal people” from the dreaded L-S-B-L-K destroying Manjaro, which doesn’t even support click-and-drag!

…to something or something… them all? I forget the quote, it’s on the tip of my tongue.


What, lsblk doesn’t support click and drag? Damn, and I was just about to click and drag it. Now I’m gonna be sad! :cry:

Or, no, wait, I think I’ll just hold my breath and let my head turn all red until they fix it! :rage:
