CPU+Board upgrade, system doesn't boot correct


I upgraded my system. CPU, board, RAM.
I was on Intel Board and now it’s an AMD.

The system boots up, the Manjaro logo comes on screen, I got a mouse, but KDE doesn’t starts.
Sometimes I get a black screen, sometimes Firefox is on screen. I can’t do anything.
On another tty is no cml.

I tried pamac update via chroot but that didn’t help.

Any ideas to fix that?

Best regards

I’d start by offering the amd firmware by installing amd-ucode pkg in addition to the existing, and most likely now unused, intel firmware. ( Reddit - Dive into anything )
Don’t trust me blind and do your own research, I don’t own any current amd machines.

Hi @corax,

Personally, I think that is probably the cause. It is probably the drivers. Or something to do with them, in any case.

It might well also be in your fstab file, but I’m not so sure it would boot at all, never mind only incorrectly.

I’d recommend you boot into a live environment, from there enter a chroot environment, and then you can work further. I’m guessing you’d have to, at least, reinstall GPU drivers.

To do so, in the chroot environment, run the following:

mhwd -a pci nonfree 0300

This should automagically detect and install the necessary GPU driver.

See here for more:

Hope it helps!

How to chroot

  1. Ensure you’ve got a relatively new ISO or at least one with a still supported LTS kernel.

  2. Write/copy/dd the ISO to a USB thumb drive.

  3. When done, boot with the above mentioned USB thumb drive into the live environment.

  4. Once booted, open a terminal and enter the following command to enter the chroot encironment:

manjaro-chroot -a
  1. If you have more than one Linux installation, select the correct one to use from the list provided.

When done, you should now be in the chroot environment.

But, be careful, as you’re now in an actual root environment on your computer, so any changes you make will persist after a restart.

I installed the amd-ucode and made update-grub. That’s not the solution.
I removed nvidia driver but can’t install a new one.

checking for file conflicts...
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
lib32-nvidia-470xx-utils: /usr/lib32/libEGL_nvidia.so.0 exists in filesystem
lib32-nvidia-470xx-utils: /usr/lib32/libGLESv1_CM_nvidia.so.1 exists in filesystem
lib32-nvidia-470xx-utils: /usr/lib32/libGLESv2_nvidia.so.2 exists in filesystem
lib32-nvidia-470xx-utils: /usr/lib32/libGLX_nvidia.so.0 exists in filesystem
lib32-nvidia-470xx-utils: /usr/lib32/libcuda.so.1 exists in filesystem
lib32-nvidia-470xx-utils: /usr/lib32/libnvcuvid.so.1 exists in filesystem
lib32-nvidia-470xx-utils: /usr/lib32/libnvidia-encode.so.1 exists in filesystem
lib32-nvidia-470xx-utils: /usr/lib32/libnvidia-fbc.so.1 exists in filesystem
lib32-nvidia-470xx-utils: /usr/lib32/libnvidia-ifr.so.1 exists in filesystem
lib32-nvidia-470xx-utils: /usr/lib32/libnvidia-ml.so.1 exists in filesystem
lib32-nvidia-470xx-utils: /usr/lib32/libnvidia-opticalflow.so.1 exists in filesystem
lib32-nvidia-470xx-utils: /usr/lib32/libnvidia-ptxjitcompiler.so.1 exists in filesystem
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
Error: pacman failed!

The message is not really helpful, what kind of conflicting files?
edit: are the listetd lib32 files the conflicting ones?
edit2: seems not

pamac list |grep nvidia
mhwd-nvidia                                  530.41.03-4                     extra      1.6 kB
mhwd-nvidia-340xx                            340.108-1                                  2.5 kB
mhwd-nvidia-390xx                            390.157-5                       extra      1.9 kB
mhwd-nvidia-470xx                            470.182.03-1                    extra      1.8 kB
opencl-nvidia                                530.41.03-4                     extra      80.5 MB

Looks like it wasnt removed properly.
How are you going about installing or uninstalling?
It should be with mhwd or GUI Manjaro-Settings-Manager.

How do you mean? Its right there … those files exist on disk already, the package would install items there, but refuses to overwrite them.

Since its already a bit messed up … you can double check they arent owned by anything and then remove them by hand. ex:

pacman -Qo /usr/lib32/libEGL_nvidia.so.0

-probably returns “no package owns…”-

sudo rm /usr/lib32/libEGL_nvidia.so.0

When thats all finished you can revisit your need to update and configure drivers:

sudo pacman -Syu
sudo mhwd -i pci nonfree 0300

And I’ll leave this here again.

at least, I was a bit :face_with_spiral_eyes:
Of course I removed these files in the meantime.
The graphic drivers install was fine.

But… the problem still exists.
After boot, KDE not really comes up. Mostly there are some windows/menu that no react by click.
Before a half houre, the PC boots up fine, it needs a bit more time to come up but all seems ok.
I installed the last update with pamac. Reboot, and the same as before, not usable.
Really weird.

Why didn’t you just format everything?
If you’re on Linux I assume you’ve been the Microsoft Windows route and know such drastic hardware change is a no-no. From the license to the drivers.
Most OS’s will install only the necesary drivers and be done. Linux is even more optimized than windows in this regard as to not have bloat.

I know you’re trying to fix your system and probably expected for it to have basic drivers but Linux is a beast in CPU performance and tweaks in even specific architecture and instructions set. Not to mention the other components like the ones in the new motherboard that can even crash the OS.

Again, maybe trying to force it or refresh your Manjaro install might be worse and time consuming to just installing from scratch.

Lastly, always backup your personal files so they’re OS agnostic. Might be an investment at first but you will thank it in the long run. Cheers and good luck!

probably your right…
But I want to try it. I use this Manjaro installation for years, since I left OpenSuse.
The last board+CPU change (from AMD to Intel) was no problem.

I ordered a new m.2 SSD. Once it arrives, I will set up a new system. In the meantime, if anyone has any other ideas…