Could not finish init in any "Get new xxx" button

Hey there, I am a newbie in manjaro, I’m now facing some problem when customizing my kde desktop. When i hit the button like “Get New global themes”, it starts the initialization process and finally failed with this message:
Loading of providers from file: failed

By the way, I’m in China now, is that something to do with the GWF in my country?
(I have tried to using VPN but the result is the same)

That is possible, but for the record, there has already been a problem with this functionality for a long time, and presumably it is at’s end.

The best way to install any of those additions is to install ocs-url from the AUR… :arrow_down:

pamac build ocs-url

… and then direct your browser at, look for the add-on that you want, and then install it from there from within your browser by clicking on the link as in the example below… :arrow_down:


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Thank you very much!I’ll try this

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