Confirming if some KSystemlog entries for kwin_x11 mean something need to be addressed (or not)

  • DDG = Abbreviation for
    The tutorial you’re talking about has been updated as that was indeed not clear, please verify if this is clearer now:

  • In contrast to the ksystemlog GUI program, the journalctl CLI program has a more fine-tuned parameter to find out what is what:

            Filter output by message priorities or priority ranges. Takes
            either a single numeric or textual log level (i.e. between
            0/"emerg" and 7/"debug"), or a range of numeric/text log levels in
            the form FROM..TO. The log levels are the usual syslog log levels
            as documented in syslog(3), i.e.  "emerg" (0), "alert" (1),
            "crit" (2), "err" (3), "warning" (4), "notice" (5), "info" (6),
            "debug" (7). If a single log level is specified, all messages with
            this log level or a lower (hence more important) log level are
            shown. If a range is specified, all messages within the range are
            shown, including both the start and the end value of the range.
            This will add "PRIORITY=" matches for the specified priorities.
  • Examples:

    journalctl --system --boot=0 --priority=err 

    will give you all system errors of the current 0 boot

    journalctl  --boot=-1 --priority=4

    will give you all warnings 4 of the previous -1 boot.

  • For more info:

    man journalctl


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